| | Ms. Rimpy Charak | Tutor | 8284967553 | rimpyrajput@hotmail.com |
 | | Dr Divya Chauhan | Assistant Professor | | |
![Profile Picture not found]() | | | Professor & Head | | |
 | Anatomy | Dr. Kavita Nanda | Associate Professor | 9882819282 | drkavitananda@gmail.com |
 | Anatomy | Dr. Harvinder Singh | Assistant Professor | 9418463252 | drhsrehill@gmail.com |
 | Anatomy | Dr. Rakesh Dhiman | Assistant Professor | 9418039141 | rakeshdhiman1967@gmail.com |
 | Anatomy | Dr. Ruchika | Senior Resident | 889462735 | marainaruchi@gmail.com |
 | Anatomy | Dr.Vandana Sharma | Senior Resident | 7018300138 | drvandanasharma0330@gmail.com |
 | Anatomy | Dr. Parveen Sharma | Senior Resident | 9418470907 | bunty70907@gmail.com |
 | Anatomy | Dr Amit Raj Sharma | Senior Resident | 9882775995 | Dr.amitrajsharma@gmail.com |
 | Anatomy | Dr Richa Bhatnagar | Medical Officer | | |
 | Anesthesiology | Dr. Sudarshan Chaudhary | Professor & HOD | 9418086604 | sudarshan_58@rediffmail.com |
 | Anesthesiology | Dr. Manjit Singh Kanwar | Associate Professor | 8219500838 | drmanjitkanwar@gmail.com |
![Profile Picture not found]() | Anesthesiology | Dr. Priyanka Sood | Assistant Professor | 7018100030 | s28.priyankaa@gmail.com |
 | Anesthesiology | Dr. Nisha Sharma | Assistant Professor | 9857241663 | nisha.anesthetist@gmail.com |
 | Anesthesiology | Dr Pooja Thami | Assistant Professor | 988289491 | drpthami1016@gmail.com |
 | Anesthesiology | Dr Shilpa Sayal | Senior Resident | 7018547594 | destiny21691@gmail.com |
![Profile Picture not found]() | Anesthesiology | Dr Maninder Raizada | Senior Resident | 7018558159 | manirana946@gmail.com |
 | Anesthesiology | Dr Poonam Sharma | Senior Resident | 8988112894 | poonam6129@gmail.com |
![Profile Picture not found]() | Anesthesiology | Dr. Rupesh Choudhary | Senior Resident | 8126654559 | rupesh.2.c@gmail.com |
![Profile Picture not found]() | Anesthesiology | Dr. Ritu Sharma Maninder Raizada | Senior Resident | 8844862481 | vishuritu24@gmail.com |
 | Anesthesiology | Dr Baneet Prakash | MO ( Specialist) | 8219348654 | drbaneetrudr@gmail.com |
 | Anesthesiology | Dr. Prarthana Jain | DNB Resident | | prarthana.jain12@yahoo.in |
 | Anesthesiology | Dr. Rama Devi | DNB Resident | | Dr.RamaDeviPapala@gmail.com |
 | Anesthesiology | Dr Ikshit Singh | Junior Resident DNB resident | 9988382293 | ikshitsingh@gmail.com |
 | Anesthesiology | Dr Bomman Uma Siva Sankar | Junior Resident DNB resident | 7288090770 | bomman.unasivasankar@gmail.com |
![Profile Picture not found]() | BioChemistry | | | | |
 | BioChemistry | Dr. Ravinder Kaur | Assistant Professor | 9418070730 | drravinderkaur04@gmail.com |
 | BioChemistry | Dr. Nishant Gupta | Tutor | 9779129200 | neeshantt@gmail.com |
 | Cardiology | DR Lucky Kumar Sharma | Assistant Professor | 8988355888 | luckysharmadr@gmail.com |
 | CommunityMedicine | Dr Abhilash Sood | Professor & Head | 9418076890 | abhilashsood@yahoo.in |
 | CommunityMedicine | Dr Devender Kumar | Assistant Professor | 9816334394 | dev10121986@gmail.com |
 | CommunityMedicine | Dr Arvind Kumar | Assistant Professor | 9418476943 | dr.arvinddhiman77@gmail.com |
 | CommunityMedicine | Dr Shishupal Singh Thakur | Assistant Professor | 9418118640 | drshishu@gmail.com |
 | CommunityMedicine | Dr Ghanshyam Singh | Tutor ( Specialist) | 9418327603 | drgsv0805@gmail.com |
 | CommunityMedicine | Dr Jitender Kumar | Tutor ( Specialist) | 8894452527 | jitenderjt89@gmail.com |
 | CommunityMedicine | Dr Sumit Sharma | Tutor ( Specialist) | 8894683458 | sumit.sai9595@gmail.com |
 | CommunityMedicine | Dr Neha Patyal | Tutor ( Specialist) | 8988239641 | nehapatyal1512@gmail.com |
 | CommunityMedicine | Ms. Neetu Chaudhary | Statistician-cum-Tutor | 9729453443 | chaudharyneetu30@gmail.com |
 | Dentistry | Dr Anupriya Sharma | Professor | 9418015544 | anu_s_priya@yahoo.com |
 | Dentistry | Dr Abhimanyu Singh Chauhan | Assistant Professor | 9418003219 | abhimaneau9009@gmail.com |
 | Dentistry | Dr Neena Ohri | Assistant Professor | | |
 | Dentistry | Dr Sharmila Debarmma | Senior Resident | 7583071354 | orthosharmila@gmail.com |
 | Dentistry | Dr Poonam Gupta | Junior Resident | 9418524111 | pgk123pg@gmail.com |
 | Dentistry | Dr Sucheta Mahant | Medical Officers (Dental) | 9459936728 | Sansucheta.thakur142@gmail.com |
 | Dentistry | Dr Prerna Sharma | Medical Officers (Dental) | 7018157026 | preranasharma84200@gmail.com |
 | Dentistry | Dr Mamta Sandhu | Medical Officers (Dental) | 9418566647 | sandhu.mamta2016@gmail.com |
 | Dentistry | Dr Shalini | Medical Officers (Dental) | 8219191363 | kapoorshalini17@gmail.com |
 | Dentistry | Dr Anika Uppal | Senior Resident | 9459424711 | drannika@gmail.com |
 | Eye | Dr Anil Kumar Verma | Associate Professor | | |
 | Eye | Dr Shruti Anand | Assistant Professor | | |
![Profile Picture not found]() | Eye | Dr Vinod Dhiman | Assistant Professor | | |
 | Eye | Dr Mukta Sharma | Senior Resident | | |
 | Eye | Dr Anushree | Senior Resident | | |
 | Eye | Dr Shashi Dutt | Medical Officer ( Specialist) | | |
 | Eye | Dr Sanjeev Krishnan | Medical Officer ( Specialist) | | |
 | ForensicMedicine | Dr. Sanjay Chandel | Assistant Professor Cum HOD | 9459494050 | sanjaychandel306@gmail.com |
 | ForensicMedicine | Dr. Vipul Parmar | Senior Resident | 7018026546 | vip_ric@yahoo.com |
 | ForensicMedicine | Dr.Pankaj Pathania | Senior Resident | 7018447557 | pankajpathania288@gmail.com |
 | GeneralMedicine | Dr Subhash Chander | Associate Professor | 7018936966 | subhash.bhunal@gmail.com |
 | GeneralMedicine | Dr Rakesh Chauhan | Associate Professor | 9418136285 | drrakeshchauhan@yahoo.co.in |
 | GeneralMedicine | Dr Gaveshna Gargi | Assistant Professor | 9418455003 | gaveshnagargi@gmail.com |
 | GeneralMedicine | Dr Jitender Kumar | Assistant Professor | 9418566637 | sandhu.jitender2016@gmail.com |
 | GeneralMedicine | Dr Bavesh Barwal | Senior Resident | 9418944176 | drbaveshbarwal@gmail.com |
 | GeneralMedicine | Dr Ranjit Kaur | Senior Resident | 8360980347 | drranjit102@gmail.com |
 | GeneralMedicine | Dr Vivek Thakur | Senior Resident | 8219248115 | vivekthakurhmr@gmail.com |
 | GeneralMedicine | Dr Shubham Sharma | Senior Resident | | |
 | GeneralMedicine | Dr Renuka Pathania | Senior Resident | | |
 | GeneralMedicine | Dr Lovedeep Singh | Senior Resident | | |
 | GeneralMedicine | Dr Arshdeep | Senior Resident | | |
 | GeneralMedicine | Dr Shivam Saini | Junior Resident | | |
 | GeneralMedicine | Dr Munish Sharma | Junior Resident | | |
 | GeneralMedicine | Dr Sonu Khandelwal | Junior Resident | | |
 | GeneralMedicine | Dr Rajesh Kumar | Junior Resident | | |
 | GeneralMedicine | Dr Uma Thakur | Junior Resident | | |
 | GeneralMedicine | Dr. Arpit Kumar Kango | MO Junior Resident | 7018451932 | kanungoarpit017@gmail.com |
 | GeneralMedicine | Dr Manisha Sharma | Junior Resident | | |
 | GeneralMedicine | Dr Apaar Shukla | Junior Resident | | |
 | GeneralSurgery | Dr Laxmi Agnihotri | Professor & Head | | |
 | GeneralSurgery | Dr Anupam Nanda | Associate Professor | | |
 | GeneralSurgery | Dr Sanchit Chaudhary | Associate Professor | | |
 | GeneralSurgery | Dr Yogender Kumar | Assistant Professor | | |
 | GeneralSurgery | Dr Uma Sharma | Assistant Professor | | |
 | GeneralSurgery | Dr Kapil Banota | Assistant Professor | | |
 | GeneralSurgery | Dr Vikas Singh | Assistant Professor | | |
 | GeneralSurgery | Dr Neeraj Sharma | Assistant Professor | | |
 | GeneralSurgery | Dr Birender Sharma | Senior Resident | | |
 | GeneralSurgery | Dr Shivek | Senior Resident | | |
 | GeneralSurgery | Dr Ashish Thakur | Senior Resident | | |
 | GeneralSurgery | Dr Deepak Sharma | Senior Resident | | |
 | GeneralSurgery | Dr Jagvinder Singh | Senior Resident | | |
 | GeneralSurgery | Dr Vivek | Medical Officer ( Specialist) | | |
 | GeneralSurgery | Dr Abhishek Manu | Junior Resident | | |
 | GeneralSurgery | Dr Meetu Singh | Junior Resident | | |
 | GeneralSurgery | Dr Shivani Gautam | Junior Resident | | |
![Profile Picture not found]() | Microbiology | | | | |
 | Microbiology | Dr Chaman Thakur | Associate Professor | | |
 | Microbiology | Dr Seema Rani | Assistant Professor | | |
 | Microbiology | Dr Pankaj Katoch | Assistant Professor | | |
 | Microbiology | Dr Anjali Sharma | Sr. Resident | 8628885440 | Sharmaanjali3019@gmail.com |
 | Microbiology | Ms Shivani Sharma | Tutor | 8219924110 | Shivanisharmaoct1@gmail.com |
 | Microbiology | Dr Sakshi Sharma | Tutor | 9459303158 | Sakshisharma.pau@gmai.com |
![Profile Picture not found]() | Microbiology | Dr. Kirti Parmar | Medical Officer | 9459944061 | Kirti.parmar17@gmail.com |
![Profile Picture not found]() | Obstretics&Gynecology | Dr Anjali Soni | Professor and Head | | |
![Profile Picture not found]() | Obstretics&Gynecology | Dr Anjali Soni | Professor and Head | | |
![Profile Picture not found]() | Obstretics&Gynecology | Dr. Arti Chauhan | Associate professor | | |
![Profile Picture not found]() | Obstretics&Gynecology | Dr Anurag Sharma | Associate professor | | |
![Profile Picture not found]() | Obstretics&Gynecology | Dr Monika Thakur | Assistant Professor | | |
![Profile Picture not found]() | Obstretics&Gynecology | Dr Arun Kumar | Assistant Professor | | |
![Profile Picture not found]() | Obstretics&Gynecology | Dr Monika Sharma | Assistant Professor | | |
![Profile Picture not found]() | Obstretics&Gynecology | Dr Sandeep Sharma | Assistant Professor | | |
![Profile Picture not found]() | Obstretics&Gynecology | Dr. Sumeet Attri | Antenatal Medical Officer | | |
![Profile Picture not found]() | Obstretics&Gynecology | Dr. Parima Dixit | Senior Resident | | |
![Profile Picture not found]() | Obstretics&Gynecology | Dr Jyoti sharma | MO Specialist | | |
 | Obstretics&Gynecology | Dr Priyanka Gupta | MO Specialist | | |
![Profile Picture not found]() | Obstretics&Gynecology | Dr Suman Lata | MO Specialist | | |
![Profile Picture not found]() | Obstretics&Gynecology | Dr Dineshwar | MO Specialist | | |
![Profile Picture not found]() | Obstretics&Gynecology | Dr Namrata Upadhyay | Junior Resident | | |
![Profile Picture not found]() | Obstretics&Gynecology | Dr Rasool Majeed Khan | Junior Resident | | |
![Profile Picture not found]() | Obstretics&Gynecology | Dr Chirag | Junior Resident | | |
![Profile Picture not found]() | Obstretics&Gynecology | Dr Arzoo | Junior Resident | | |
![Profile Picture not found]() | Obstretics&Gynecology | Dr Arshi Kanwal | Junior Resident | | |
 | Orthopaedics | Dr Sanjay Kumar Thakur | Associate Professor | | |
 | Orthopaedics | Dr Shikhar Dogra | Assistant Professor | | |
 | Orthopaedics | Dr Gauri Dutt | Assistant Professor | | |
 | Orthopaedics | Dr Chaitanya Kurapati SK | Assistant Professor | | |
 | Orthopaedics | Dr Tarun Kumar | Senior Resident | | |
 | Orthopaedics | Dr Sumit Verma | Senior Resident | | |
 | Orthopaedics | Dr Vivek Banyal | Junior Resident | | |
 | Orthopaedics | Dr Somesh Gupta | Medical Officer ( Specialist) | | |
 | Orthopaedics | Dr Pankit | Senior Resident | | |
 | Oto-Rhino-Laryngology | Dr Harjitpal Singh | Associate Professor & Head | 9418470730 | drharjitpal@gmail.com |
 | Oto-Rhino-Laryngology | Dr Amit Saini | Assistant Professor | 9418476862 | drsainient@gmail.com |
 | Oto-Rhino-Laryngology | Dr Bharti Ranot | Assistant Professor | 9418039369 | bhartiranot@gmail.com |
 | Oto-Rhino-Laryngology | Dr Trilok Chand Guleria | Assistant Professor | 9418706446 | tcguleria@gmail.com |
 | Oto-Rhino-Laryngology | Dr Manisha Mahajan | Senior Resident | 9418797600 | manishamahajan716@gmail.com |
 | Oto-Rhino-Laryngology | Dr Disha Sharma | M O (Specialist) | 7018461413 | dishasharma8181@gmail.com |
 | Oto-Rhino-Laryngology | Dr Abishek | Junior Resident | 9791297928 | aabishek27@gmail.com |
 | Oto-Rhino-Laryngology | Dr Divyanshi Singh | Junior Resident | 8219424706 | divyanshi7singh@gmail.com |
 | Paediatrics | Dr Sanjeev Chaudhary | Professor & Head | 9418086818 | s_chaudhary@ymail.com |
 | Paediatrics | Dr Pancham Kumar | Associate professor | 9418452827 | panchamdr@gmail.com |
 | Paediatrics | Dr Girish Kumar | Assistant Professor | 7018246747 | drgirishsharma70@gmail.com |
 | Paediatrics | Dr Nivedita Sharma | Assistant Professor | 94180-63213 | Niveditasharma2@yahoo.com |
 | Paediatrics | Dr Pradeep Kumar Sharma | Assistant Professor | 9418045646 | drpk67sharma@yahoo.com |
 | Paediatrics | Dr Parvinder Singh | Assistant Professor | 7018300277 | drparavsingh737@gmail.com |
 | Paediatrics | Dr Ashish Sharma | Senior Resident | 9418008016 | dr.ashishsharma83@gmail.com |
 | Paediatrics | Dr Nishant Acharya | Senior Resident | 9418434035 | Nishant-21acharya@yahho.com |
 | Paediatrics | Dr Pankaj Kapoor | Junior Resident | 9816138590 | |
 | Paediatrics | Dr Priyank Sharma | Junior Resident | | |
 | Paediatrics | Dr Sunil | Junior Resident | | |
 | pathology | Dr. Jyoti Bala | Professor and Head | 7340845060 | Jyoti31kashyap@gmail.com |
 | pathology | Dr. Kavita Kumari | Assistant Professor | 9805223772 | kavitasharadss@gmail.com |
 | pathology | Dr. Rajneesh Kumari | Assistant Professor | 9418007508 | Rajneesh.thakur11@gmail.com |
 | pathology | Dr. Reetika Sharma | Assistant Professor | 8098861696 | Dr_ritu85@gmail.com |
 | pathology | Dr. Anuradha Sharma | Assistant Professor | 9418985715 | Dranuradhasharma79@gmail.com |
 | pathology | Dr. Shalini kapoor | Tutor | 9418008077 | Shalinikapoor03@gmail.com |
 | pathology | Dr. Ankita Dheer | Tutor | 9816412968 | drankitapath17@gmail.com |
 | pathology | Dr. Ankita Sharma | Tutor | 7018073292 | Ankigautam19@gmail.com |
 | Pharmacology | Dr Ritu Shitak | Professor and Head | | |
 | Pharmacology | Dr Anup Kumar | Assistant Professor | | |
 | Pharmacology | Dr Binny Mahendru | Assistant Professor | | |
 | Pharmacology | Dr Sharad | Assistant Professor | | |
![Profile Picture not found]() | Pharmacology | Dr Ajay Kumar | Tutor ( Specialist) | | |
 | Physiology | Dr. Ram Sarup Sharma | Professor & Head | 9815840533 | drsharma1947@yahoo.com |
 | Physiology | Dr. David Mohan | Associate Professor | 9872203335 | drdavid33@gamil.com |
 | Physiology | Dr. Anjum Batul | Assistant Professor | 8894030196 | batulanjum@gmail.com |
 | Physiology | Dr. Sanjay Dhiman | Assistant Professor | 9418188325 | drsanjudhiman9@gmail.com |
 | Physiology | Miss. Shabnam | Senior Resident | 9079120072 | shabnamkhan712786@gmail.com |
 | Physiology | Dr.Priyanka Vashisth | Tutor | 8950196275 | Vashisthpriyanka31@gmail.com |
 | Psychiatry | Dr Kamal Parkash | Assistant Professor | 9418459952 | |
 | Psychiatry | Dr Sandeep Kumar | Assistant Professor | 9459929725 | |
 | Psychiatry | Dr Mahender Singh | Senior Resident | 8219180113 | |
 | Psychiatry | Dr Rajeet Kumar | Senior Resident | 9418528837 | |
![Profile Picture not found]() | Radio-Diagnosis | Dr Vijay Kumar | Assistant Professor | | |
 | Radio-Diagnosis | Dr Sudesh Kumar | Assistant Professor | 94184-51940 | |
 | Radio-Diagnosis | Dr. Rohit Barsola | Senior Resident | 94591-89357 | rohitb0rsola445@mĀ°mail.rOm |
![Profile Picture not found]() | Radio-Diagnosis | Dr Puneesh Kumar | Senior Resident | | |
![Profile Picture not found]() | Radio-Diagnosis | Dr Archita Gupta | Senior Resident | | |
![Profile Picture not found]() | Radio-Diagnosis | Dr Shalini Devi | Senior Resident | | |
![Profile Picture not found]() | Radio-Diagnosis | Dr Anil Kaushal | Senior Resident | | |
 | radiotherapy | Dr. Kunjan Sharma | Associate Professor | | |
 | radiotherapy | Dr Kulbir Singh | Senior Resident | | |
 | radiotherapy | Dr Vivek Kumar | Senior Resident | | |
 | Skin | Dr Vikram Mahajan | Professor & Head | | |
 | Skin | Dr Vikas Sharma | Associate Professor | | |
 | Skin | Dr Neeraj Sharma | Assistant Professor | | |
 | Skin | Dr Monika Chandel | Senior Resident | | |
 | Skin | Dr Rohit Verma | Senior Resident | | |
 | Skin | Dr Supriya Kaushal | Junior Resident | | |
 | Skin | Dr Ravinder Singh | MO Specialist | | |
 | TB&RespiratoryDiseases | Dr Sanjay Kumar | Assistant Professor | | |